U2: “You’re the best thing about me”, il video


Tra i brani più trasmessi in radio in Italia secondo la classifica di Earone, “You’re the best thing about me” degli U2 è ora anche accompagnata dal videoclip ufficile.
Il singolo è il primo estratto dall’attesissimo album in uscita per gli U2, “Songs of experience“.

Il video del brano è stato girato a New York, città protagonista del clip diretto dal regista svedese Jonas Åkerlund. Åkerlund vanta un curriculum davvero eccezionale con collaborazioni che vanno dai Roxette a Moby passando per Jamiroquai, Iggy Pop, Paul McCartney, Shaggy, Ozzy Osbourne, Macy Gray, Metallica, Coldplay, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Prodigy, Jane’s Addiction, The Rolling Stones, Rammstein, Blink-182, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera, Maroon 5, Britney Spears ed il dj David Guetta.

Il nuovo album “Songs of experience” arriva a tre anni dall’ultimo disc della band irlandese “Songs of innocence“. I due titoli prendono ispirazione dalla collezione di poesie “Songs Of Innocence and Experience” del poeta inglese del 18simo secolo William Blake.
Mentre l’album precedente voleva rappresentare le influenze e le esperienze vissute dalla rock band irlandese alla fine degli anni ’70 e inizio anni ’80; il nuovo disco è, invece, una collezione di brani in forma di lettere intime dedicate alle persone e ai luoghi vicine al cuore di Bono Vox, The Edge, Larry Mullen Jr. e Adam Clayton.

You’re The Best Thing About Me, il video

You’re the best thing about me, il testo

When you look so good, the pain in your face doesn’t show
When you look so good and baby, you don’t even know
When the world is ours but the world is not your kind of thing
Full of shooting stars, brighter as they’re vanishing
Oh you’ve seen enough to know it’s children who teach
You’re still free enough to wake up on a bed or a beach

You’re the best thing about me
The best thing that ever happened a boy
You’re the best thing about me
I’m the kind of trouble that you enjoy
You’re the best thing about me
The best things are easy to destroy
You’re the best thing about me
The best thing about me

I been crying out, “How bad can a good time be?”
Shooting off my mouth, that’s another great thing about me
I have everything but I feel like nothing at all
There’s no risky thing for a man who’s determined to fall

You’re the best thing about me
The best thing that ever happened a boy
You’re the best thing about me
I’m the kind of trouble that you enjoy
You’re the best thing about me
The best things are easy to destroy
You’re the best thing about me

Why am I
Why am I walking away?
Walking away
Why am I walking away?

I can see it all so clearly
I can see what you can’t see
I can see you love her loudly
When she needs you quietly

You’re the best thing about me
The best things are easy to destroy
You’re the best thing about me

Why am I
Why am I walking away?
Walking away
Why am I walking away?


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