Pearl Jam: ascolta e leggi il testo di “Speed Of Sound” nella demo di Eddie Vedder


Se siete tra coloro che fremono per ascoltare le tracce di “Backspacer”, il nuovo album dei Pearl Jam, allora sarete felicissimi di ascoltare una delle canzoni contenute nell’album.

Si tratta di “Speed Of Sound”, traccia numero nove di “Backspacer”, in versione da solista, accompagnato solo da chitarra, di Eddie Vedder.
Prima di lasciarvi vi ricordiamo come sempre che questo ed altri video potete trovarli sul canale YouTube di MelodicaMente.

Questo l’audio di “Speed Of Sound”

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Questo il testo di “Speed Of Sound”:

Yesterdays how quick they change all lost and long gone now.
Want to remember anything moving at the speed of sound.
With the speed of sound.

And yet im still holding tight
To this dream of distant light
And yet somehow ill survive
But this night has been a long one
Waiting on a sun
Just don’t come

Can I forgive what I cannot forget
and live a lie?
I could give him one more try

Friday nite is drive inside just looking for some peace
Everytime I get me some it gets the best of me
Not much left to see

And yet im still holding tight
To this dream of distant light
And that somehow ill somehow survive
But this night has been a long one
Waiting on a word
That never comes

The whisper in the dark
Is that you or just my thoughts?
Im wide awake and reaching out

Its gone so quiet now
Could it be I’m farther out
Moving faster than the speed of sound


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